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DCC2020 is on hold

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Training and mentorship for your successful transition into a condifent, thriving, self-directed lifestyle, can happen in a variety of ways. Join my info list for updates on ways to get the type of support that Deschooling Communications Collective offers. - Akilah

Groupwork and Individual Opportunities

I won't email you about anything outside of this realm--people, language, and practice around healthy, anti-oppression, love-centered partnerships between adults and children (including our own inner child, hello!).

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.

    If you want Akilah's (that's me) personal perspectives about your parenting and educating journey on a regular basis, and you're good with the fact that I cusses a little...a lot, sign on up.

    You are raising a young person (as a parent or family member, or supporting families as a revolutionary educator) and you want to do that from a place of clarity and healing to interrupt that history and end those habits that you refuse to pass on to the child/children in your life. This is your kinda email list. Come on in.